Gem Quality Peridot

    We found this spot just by accident. We were headed south out of Ely, NV. on US 6 towards Warm Springs. We were on the lookout for a place called "Black Rock lava flows" when Shirley thought she spotted some obsidian by the roadside. It turns out it was only chunks of lava cinder, but while we were checking for the obsidian we noticed some flashes of green, scattered all around. Upon closer inspection it turned out to be peridot that had weathered out of the lava. Most was quite small but had very good color and clarity to it.

    There was one spot that was so covered with peridot that I got a shovel and bucket and scooped up an area about 4 foot by 6 foot (just skimmed the surface about 1/2 inch deep.). So far we have picked about 1/4 cup of peridot from that bucket of material. Some appears to be cutting grade! We hand picked about a dozen pieces from the ground that are definitely gem quality and large enough to cut. A couple of the pieces will probably go 1 1/2 to 2 + carats after cutting!

We only spent about 20 or 30 minutes there before moving on. I believe that it would be possible to collect 40 to 50 carats of quality material in an afternoon of picking. Unfortunately the location requires a three day weekend for us to be able to go back there.

    There are also pieces of a clear feldspar (not sure which one, maybe labradorite?) that are large enough and clear enough to cut.

    The GPS coordinates are N38˚ 28.092'. & W115˚ 57.993'.



Gem Quality Peridot


Gem Quality Peridot


Gem Quality Peridot


Gem Quality Peridot


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